Holistic medicine is an alternative branch of gynecology that uses massage, nutrition, biofeedback, acupuncture, herbs and other natural therapies to treat a variety of gynecological conditions. Holistic gynecologists believe that every person is a unique individual, rather than an example of a particular disease. Conditions like infertility, premenstrual syndrome (or PMS), menopause, HPV (human papillomavirus), and others – are understood to be the result of physical, emotional, spiritual, social and environmental imbalance. For that reason, most holistic gynecologists perform a thorough evaluation of a patient's diet, exercise habits, health history, occupation, family and life history. And, as strange as this might sound or as hard you might find it to believe in the 21st century, it usually works!
That is because many of the aforementioned gynecological and sexological problems or others like urine incontinence, chronic pelvic pains, vulvodynia, and lack of lust, excitement, and orgasm are resistant to standard medical treatment. Holistic Gynecology believes that vaginal acupressure, or Hippocratic pelvic massage, can help some of these problems. Technically, it is a very simple procedure as it corresponds to the explorative phase of the standard pelvic examination, supplemented with the patient's report on the feelings it provokes and the processing and integration of these feelings.
Such procedures helped patients to become present in their pelvis and to integrate old traumas with painful emotions. Holistic gynecology and sexology can help the patient to identify and let go of negative feelings, beliefs, and attitudes related to sex, gender, sexual organs, body, and soul at large. Shame, guilt, helplessness, fear, disgust, anxiety, anger, hatred, and other strong feelings are almost always an important part of a sexual or functional problem as these feelings are "held" by the tissue of the pelvis and sexual organs.
However, have in mind that acupressure through the vagina/pelvic massage must be done with great care by an experienced physician, with a third person present, after obtaining consent and the necessary trust of the patient. Which means that, if the holistic gynecologist is a scammer or has no idea what he or she does, you'd better avoid it as it can do more harm than good.
January 31, 2009
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Please note
All the advice offered here is based on personal experience (I am fighting against IBS, gastritis, ulcers and acute constipation). I am by no means a doctor and nor should my advice be taken for granted. Even though I am 100% sure what I say is correct, please take my articles only as guidelines and contact a medic for proper diagnosis and treatment for all your colon or abdomen related problems: irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, gastritis, as well as any symptoms you have. Stay healthy!
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