September 12, 2008

Short Vacation

I will go on a short one week-long vacation this Sunday and I will not be able to write while I am gone. However, for those interested in some good advice regarding diets for digestive system related problems, you can always choose my personal 7-day diet for gastritis. Also, since a good detox is never out of hand, find out here a few things about the magic of drinking water. And, most important than everything, stay healthy! Let's hope we'll meet again as healthy as possible!

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Please note

All the advice offered here is based on personal experience (I am fighting against IBS, gastritis, ulcers and acute constipation). I am by no means a doctor and nor should my advice be taken for granted. Even though I am 100% sure what I say is correct, please take my articles only as guidelines and contact a medic for proper diagnosis and treatment for all your colon or abdomen related problems: irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, gastritis, as well as any symptoms you have. Stay healthy!